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Where does your money go?

The Haitian Foundation Lahai-Roi is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization formed in the U.S, but operating in Haiti.  When you donate to the Lahai-Roi Foundation, your tax-deductible gift is utilized for gospel-centered church planting, education, community development, and mercy ministry in one of the poorest areas on the planet.  Total overhead costs are about 10% of the annual donations with the remaining funds spent on programs which spread the gospel, fight poverty, and create enduring resources for the people in the area.  Since the ministry is a grass-roots organization operating in Haiti, almost every dollar donated is spent there.  An estimated 97% of annual contributions remain in Haiti.   

When you donate to the Lahai-Roi Foundation, your money goes to:

  • Gospel Outreach - Your donation helps fund church planting, evangelism services, and VBS programs in the community.

  • Education – Your donation helps fund the Lahai-Roi School.  It costs approximately $230 per child per year to operate the school (less than $20 per month) which includes the cost of two meals per day for each student and teacher.  It also pays the salary for 14 employees. 

  • Community Development – Your donation helps fund community development projects such as the micro-credit program, construction of water reservoirs, repair of roads, and the rebuilding of homes and churches after a natural disaster.  It also helps fund adult English classes and a teacher-training program. 

  • Mercy Ministry – Your donation helps cover the cost of food, shelter, clothes, or medical care for the most vulnerable members of the community.  It costs approximately $30 to feed a family of 6 for a week.

Donate Online here:

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Mail your donation:

Haitian Foundation LaHai Roi

PO Box 593

Powder Springs, GA 30127

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© 2017 by LaHai Roi Foundation

PO Box 593

Powder Springs, GA 30127

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